Sunday, May 15, 2011

My mission statement: to encourage outsiders to think twice before moving to the Twin Cities

What can I say?  I'm in shock.  I've been here since last October, and I am still in shock.  Coming from Chicago, I had no idea that my neighbors to the north and west would be so ignorant, smug and rude to outsiders. 

If you are an out-of-towner considering a move to Minnepolis-St. Paul, I'd advise you to think again, and if you think it has anything to do with the weather, I assure you it doesn't.  While seven months of winter isn't something I'm fond of, the weather in Chicago isn't that much better.

No.  It's the people.  It's the attitude.  It's the me-first mentality of these people.  They think their way is better than your way.  They think that they are the center-of-the-universe.  Sometimes it's hard to describe, but when you are talking with someone, you aren't actually talking to them.  No.  What you are doing is actually listening to a monologue.  They may ask you how your day is going, but they really don't want to hear an answer.  They don't want to hear about you, your family, your city, or any of the things that make you a human.  No, they want to go on and on about their day, their family, why their family and their city are so important to them.  I could go on and on about this, but I won't.  Suffice it to say, this is Minnesota Nice. 

As I said earlier, my journey started in October, and I never could  have imagined it would be this way.  From what you see on the internet or say, the Food Network, you'd really think this is one sophisticated and urbane place.  Think Montreal meets New York, but on a smaller scale.  I mean, who doesn't love the humor of Al Franken or the Coen Brothers?  Who doesn't love the Replacements or Prince?  Who doesn't love the hilly, foresty topography, and having all of these lakes and rivers?  Who doesn't want to live in a bike-friendly place where there is seemingly a food co-op on every corner? 

Okay, maybe those things aren't for everybody.  But they are things I like and admire, and I can't really like and admire them anymore.  You know why?  It's the people, stupid.  It's the stupid people living in this stupid state that makes it impossible to like.  And  I really can't wait to get out.  I am literally counting the days.  Unfortunately, there's quite a few left.  So, for my sanity, I will be posting my musings about the awful people I've encountered in this place.  It's my form of therapy.


  1. Keep writing! I know this is an older post. I can relate and feel your pain.

  2. Amen to this. Working Duluth for the tall ships and these minnesotans are driving me crazy. Rude smug arrogant to say the least. On the rare occassion you meet a nice person they turn out to be from wisconsin or canada! I can't wait to leave this place

  3. Oh no! This sucks. My husband and I want to move to Minneapolis! I'm from Gettysburg, PA, he's from Chile, we're now living in Austin, TX but we both want snow.

  4. I feel your pain. I lived in chicago for five years! Been here for 2, and am doing everything i can to get the hel out of HERE! These people are evil!
